This survey is intended to get feedback from cannabis licensees on proposed changes to WAC 314-55-115 the LCB is proposing through the Cannabis Flexible Payment Terms Rulemaking project. This survey is open until July 8, 2024.

Below is the proposed new rule language for WAC 314-55-115(1):

Existing (1) Proposed (1)
(1) Checks
(1) Checks, under the following provisions:
(a) A sale must be initiated by an irrevocable invoice or sale order before or at the time of delivery.
(b) Both parties must maintain records of transactions and have the records readily available for the LCB review.
(c) The check must be sent, delivered, or mailed by the cannabis licensee no later than the first business day following delivery and must be deposited as promptly as is reasonably practical, and in no event later than five business days following delivery. Any attempt by a cannabis licensee to delay payment on checks for any period of time beyond the minimum as is reasonably practical will be considered an unlawful attempt to purchase products on credit.

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* 1. What type of Cannabis License do you hold?

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* 2. Based on the draft rule language above, how likely are you to support these rule changes?

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* 3. How frequently do you buy cannabis from other licensees using a check?

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* 4. How frequently do licensees buy cannabis from you using a check?

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* 5. How frequently do you encounter checks that have Not Sufficient Fund (NSF) related issues?

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* 6. If LCB makes the above rule changes, would you be more or less likely to use checks to pay for cannabis?

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* 7. If LCB makes the above rule changes, would you be more or less likely to accept checks as payment for cannabis?

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* 8. If LCB makes the above rule changes, how concerned would you be about encountering more NSF checks?

Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. If you have other input regarding these proposed rule changes, please email the LCB Rules Coordinators at