Equine Workplace Survey- SIMPLE and FAST 6 Questions

PLEASE answer the following questions only if the response relates directly to the equine industry

We believe there to be an ongoing and fairly widespread issue of employee’s experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace. Due to growing concerns, this survey was created to gather numbers in the hopes of creating a safer work environment for all involved across the western equine industry. Your honesty in answering these few questions will be the best way to help us gain an understanding of the scope of the issue that we believe is happening. Your responses are 100% anonymous there is no way of knowing who or where the completed survey came from. We are only asking for yes/no in this survey but if you wish to add additional information or would like help in finding additional resources, there is an optional space at the end of the survey for that purpose.


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* 1. Have you or anyone that you know been sexually assaulted or harassed in the work place?

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* 2. IF you answered “yes” to the previous question…who was the offender?

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* 3. What discipline were you involved with when it happened?

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* 4. Do you work at the same place/ with the same person involved in the incident?

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* 5. Have you reported the incident?

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* 6. Did you experience any mental or physical manipulation during the incident?
-if you tell anyone your career will be ruined
-if you do ___________ I’ll give you a nice horse to show
-if you leave this job you’ll never find another place to work
-you’re only here because I allow you to be here
-you’re only good enough because of what I’ve taught you

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* 7. Please feel free to add any additional information below..