Chamber Awards Nomination Form 2024

Nomination Categories for the ASCC 2024 awards

Criteria – Sole trader, limited company or partnership which started business since 1st September 2023.
(Please answer all questions in this category)

1. Provide an overview of your business including the date you set up your company.
2. What is the core idea or product that makes your start-up unique?
3. How has your start-up gained traction in the market since its inception?
4. What has been the biggest challenge your start-up has faced, and how did you overcome it?
5. What is your long-term vision for your start-up?
Criteria - At the date of entry the candidate must be on an apprenticeship programme or completed within the past 6 months.
(Please answer all questions in this category)

1. Provide an overview of the apprentice.
2. What new competencies have you acquired that you are most proud of?
3. How have you demonstrated commitment and dedication to your apprenticeship?
4. How have you contributed to a team project during your apprenticeship?
5. What are your career goals after completing your apprenticeship?
Criteria - Entry must be by a registered charity or a community group
(Please answer all questions in this category)

1. Provide an overview of your organisation
2.​ Describe the impact your organisation has made in the community or sector it serves.
3.​ Describe an innovative project or approach your organisation has implemented in the past year.
4.​ Explain how your organisation ensures long-term sustainability.
5. Provide an example of how your organisation has adapted its services to be more inclusive.
Criteria – must be a member of the Chamber and a business
(Please answer all questions in this category)
1. What strategies have driven your business's growth and success?
2.Describe the vision and mission of your business.
3.How does your business prioritise customer satisfaction?
4. How does your business foster a positive workplace culture?
5. How does your business plan to continue innovating and adapting to future challenges?
Criteria – a current member of the Altrincham and Sale Chamber of Commerce
(Please answer all questions in this category)

1.​How have you contributed to the success and growth of the Chamber in the past year?
2. ​In what way have you advocated for the Chamber?
3.​What impact have you had on the broader business community through your involvement in the Chamber?
4.​How do you actively engage with other members and contribute to the group’s network?
Current Progress,
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