The 20th Street Mobility Improvements Project will reconstruct the corridor between Market Street and St. Louis Avenue, by completely replacing sidewalks, curb ramps, crosswalk markings, signals, lighting, and pavement surfaces inside existing right-of-way. The roadway is also being reconfigured to increase safety and better serve people traveling by foot, bus, bike, scooters, and other modes of transportation.

For more information, visit our website: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/project-connect/20th-street/
Your input is important to us. Please fill out this short survey to help us design this corridor to better suit your preferences and needs.
Separated Cycle Track Street Design
  • Separated space for varying speeds (walking, wheeling, driving)
  • Tree Cover (Canopy) [and green space] shade and cool the corridor decreasing the heat island effect, capturing stormwater runoff, and calming traffic speeds.
  • Separated space for people walking, reduces fear of collisions with people biking and wheeling
  • Protected space for bicyclists that eliminates risk and fear of collisions with people driving
  • Removes parking available on the west side of the street
1.Please indicate your level of support for the (above) Separated Cycle Track street design:
Strongly oppose
Somewhat oppose
Somewhat favor
Strongly favor
Shared-use Pathway Street Design
  • More space for parking compared to Cycle Track Design
  • Comfortable for people walking and biking
  • Increased conflicts and risk of collisions for walkers, bicyclists, scooters, etc. compared to Cycle Track Design
  • Users of shared use paths need to take extra care when yielding and passing
  • Near highly walkable areas (Ex: Olive St. on event days such as MLS soccer games) interaction between people walking and biking increases.
  • Removes the option of plantings or trees for shade and additional speed reduction benefits
2.Please indicate your level of support for the (above) Shared-use Pathway street design:
Strongly oppose
Somewhat oppose
Somewhat favor
Strongly favor
3.If you do not prefer either option, please write suggestion(s) in the space below:
Demographic Information
4.Do you live/work along the 20th St. corridor?
5.If 'Yes', where?
6.Do you live/work in the neighborhood (ex. within walking distance of the corridor)?
7.If 'Yes', where?
8.How would you like to be able to travel along the corridor?
9.What is your race?
10.What is your age?
11.Do you identify as having a disability that impacts your ability to get to the places you want/need to go?