We value your input.  Thank you for helping us to improve IUT.

Question Title

* 1. Please rank the following items by clicking on the appropriate column.  Specific comments are most welcome!  Please use the comment box below.

  1:  Needs improvement 2:  Satisfactory 3:  Good 4.  Excellent Not applicable (not attended)
IUT website (helpful, not so helpful)
Conference venue — Mülheim an der Ruhr
Student support staff (helpful, not so helpful)
General daily schedule (too busy, too slack, fine)
Timing of sessions (i.e. too long, short, just right)
Overall quality of sessions (i.e. informative, boring, etc.)
General atmosphere (i.e. friendly, impersonal)
Pre-Conference Tour
Opening Plenary with Oliver Döhrmann
Paper Sessions
60-Minute Workshops
Lunches in the HRW Mensa
Morning and afternoon coffee breaks
Poster Session
Opening Banquet at the Mausefalle Restaurant
Digital Showcase
Thursday Mülheim tour and Ruhr River cruise
90-Minute Workshops
Closing Plenary with Prue Gonzalez
Closing Reception at Caruso Restaurant in the Stadthalle
Hotel accommodations
Public transportation to the university
Information provided about travel, tours, lodging

Question Title

* 2. Days attended