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When answering the questions below, please consider the module, toolbox, and other module materials presented.

Question Title

* 1. What is your role in working with persons with dementia?

Question Title

* 2. Before taking dementia training, Personalizing Care, I was aware of the need to develop a personalize plan using Describe, Investigate, Create and Evaluate (DICE) Approach to help understand the person with dementia on a deep level:

Question Title

* 3. After taking dementia training, Personalizing Care, I am aware of the need to develop a personalize plan using Describe, Investigate, Create and Evaluate (DICE) Approach to help understand the person with dementia on a deep level:

Question Title

* 4. Before taking dementia training, I understood the “Progressively Lowered Threshold Model (PLTM)” used in personalized planning for a person with dementia:

Question Title

* 5. After taking dementia training, I understand the “Progressively Lowered Threshold Model (PLTM)” used in personalized planning for a person with dementia:

Question Title

* 6. After taking dementia training, I have increased awareness to plan failure free activities that bring moments of joy, beauty, connection, and accomplishment (music, pets, pictures, nature, walking):

Question Title

* 7. How likely are you to use the information presented in this module?

Question Title

* 8. How likely are you to recommend this module to others?

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