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* 1. How long have you been practicing emergency medicine?

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* 2. How do you identify?

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* 3. How old are you?

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* 4. Are you currently a resident, fellow, or attending?

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* 5. Your work setting is...?

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* 6. What state do you primarily practice in?

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* 7. Do you know the definition of a disaster, as it pertains to the medical community?

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* 8. Do you know, generally speaking, the roles of a disaster medicine specialist?

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* 9. Did you know that there is an ACEP Disaster Medicine Section?

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* 10. Do you feel that Disaster Medicine training is pertinent to the general practice of emergency medicine physicians?

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* 11. Are you familiar with your medical facility’s emergency management committee and their responsibilities?

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* 12. Are you familiar with your medical facility’s emergency response plan or how to quickly access this resource?

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* 13. How comfortable do you feel with the principles of mass casualty triage, disaster resource allocation, etc.?

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* 14. If you were put in a position as the on-shift physician during a nearby/local disaster or mass casualty event, do you know, generally, your overall responsibilities?

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* 15. If you were put in a position as the on-shift physician during a nearby/local disaster or mass casualty event, do you know, generally, the inter-facility and local pre-hospital resources available to you as outlined in your hospital’s emergency preparedness plan?

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* 16. Are you familiar with your medical facility’s decontamination resources and processes, in the event of a chemical, biological, or radiological event?

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* 17. On average, how many times per year does your medical facility offer virtual or in person disaster and/or mass casualty training for medical staff?

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* 18. On average, how many times per year do you partake in training related to disaster emergency preparedness or response (hospital-led exercises, self-guided learning, third party trainings, etc.)?

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* 19. What disaster medicine topics would you like to learn about?