Genealogy Services at the Attleboro Public Library Survey Question Title * 1. Would you be interested in attending genealogy programs at the Attleboro Public Library? (If you check yes, please also answer questions 2-4.) Yes No Question Title * 2. Which of the following program topics would be of interest to you? Interested Introduction to Genealogy Introduction to Genealogy Interested Searching Online Using (Library Edition), American Ancestors, and HeritageQuest Databases Searching Online Using (Library Edition), American Ancestors, and HeritageQuest Databases Interested Learning about Census and Military Records Learning about Census and Military Records Interested Researching Attleboro Ancestors Researching Attleboro Ancestors Interested DNA Testing and Your Genealogy Research DNA Testing and Your Genealogy Research Interested Researching a Specific Ethnicity (Please specify in box below.) Researching a Specific Ethnicity (Please specify in box below.) Interested Other Genealogy Programming Suggestions Question Title * 3. Which day of the week would be best for programs to be scheduled? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Question Title * 4. What time of day would be best for programs to be scheduled? Morning Afternoon Evening Question Title * 5. Would you be interested in joining a Genealogy Support Group at the Attleboro Public Library? (If you check yes, please also answer questions 6-8.)This self-directed group would be open to anyone (from beginners to advanced researchers) interested in family genealogy research. Members would have the opportunity to discuss their research with one another and offer advice. In addition, they would have the opportunity to learn about the valuable genealogy resources available at the library. Yes No Question Title * 6. Would you want the Support Group to meet monthly or quarterly? Monthly Quarterly Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Which day of the week would be best for the Support Group to meet? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Question Title * 8. What time of day would be best for the Support Group to meet? Morning Afternoon Evening Question Title * 9. Other Comments Question Title * 10. (Optional) Name & e-mail address/phone number Thank you for taking our survey!Attleboro Public Library 74 North Main Street Attleboro, MA 02703 www.attleborolibrary.org508-222-0157 Done