GeekWire Awards 2019: Nominations |
These awards are a participation sport, so submit your nominations via the form below. Please be thoughtful and provide our judges with additional information for each nomination that will be taken into consideration when determining this year's finalists in each category.
We’ll take nominations in the categories through March 21, with anyone in the Pacific Northwest community (Oregon, Idaho, Washington and British Columbia) able to nominate worthy candidates. From that list, we’ll work with our illustrious judging panel — including venture capitalists, CEOs, lawyers and other top minds in the tech community — to winnow our list to five nominees in each category.
See you at the GeekWire Awards on May 2 at MoPOP! Early bird tickets now available.
Note: One nomination is as good as 20, so no need to flood the ballot box at this time. That will come later when we open the voting up to the community in each of the categories.