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Dear participant,

Thank you for taking part in the survey.

The survey's topic is workplace relations, unwanted behaviour, and your satisfaction with the working environment. We are interested in your experiences and opinions on workplace relations to suggest measures for improvement.

Completing the questionnaire takes approximately 20 minutes. This may be longer in some cases, depending on your answers.

The survey was commissioned by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung's country office in cooperation with Central European Labour Studies Institute.

Your answers will be used exclusively for the research report, trade union advocacy, and awareness-raising activities. The data will be published in a format that guarantees anonymity and follows the EU Data Protection Regulation (GDPR; Regulation (EU) 2016/679).

The survey is intended for those who are over 18 years old and currently employed. Participation in the survey is entirely anonymous and voluntary. You can stop filling out the questionnaire at any time.

You agree to participate in the survey by clicking on the bottom below.