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The City of San Rafael has embarked on a collaboration for an Economic Development Strategic Plan.  Economic Recovery is the Council’s #1 priority and the City is interested in hearing from you, the business community, about what you think are the most important issues.
The survey on the following pages provides local businesses an opportunity to provide vital feedback that will help guide near term plans for San Rafael’s future.  The survey will remain open until mid-December.  Thank you in advance for your valuable input. 
Note: Individual responses will be kept confidential. Survey responses will be aggregated and incorporated into the Economic Development Strategic Plan.

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* 1. Are you a member of any business organizations in San Rafael or Marin County?  (Please select all that apply)

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* 2. How large is your business (# of employees)? 

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* 3. Where is your business located in San Rafael?

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* 4. What type of business do you have? 

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* 5. What level of priority do you think the City should focus its financial resources in each of the following categories? (1 = high priority and 4 = low priority)

  1 (Highest Priority)  2 3 4 (Lowest Priority)
Economic recovery grants, mini loans
Sustainability (climate change) 
Racial equity / support BIPOC-owned businesses 
Cleanliness / appearance / illegal dumping 
Mobility / signage, wayfinding bike-ability 
Streetscape, design, lighting 
Improve public safety 
More public art, plazas, parks and walkways 

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* 6. Would you support any of the following funding ideas to support the priorities listed in the prior question, to fund BID operations, and to provide other resources to the business community?  (Check all that apply) 

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* 7. What challenges do you face doing business in San Rafael? (with 1 being the greatest challenge)

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* 8. Do you have any other feedback or suggested strategies that the City should consider?

0 of 8 answered