Abstract submission deadline: September 30, 2024

We cordially invite you to participate in our 6th Annual Gulf Coast Vascular Research Symposium on October 29-30, 2024, in Houston, Texas. This event offers a great opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research, foster collaborations, and gain invaluable career insights. Trainees will also have the chance to join a roundtable discussion with experts in the field.

Please submit abstracts to showcase your recent work and compete for the Young Investigator Award and the Lightning Presentation. Selected participants for the Young Investigator Competition will be notified to present their work in a 10-minute session. This competition is open to junior faculty and postdocs.

For the Lightning Presentation, you will have the opportunity to make a brief oral presentation (2 minutes) before presenting your poster.

If you do not receive a notification regarding the Young Investigator Award competition, please prepare a poster, which will be eligible for a poster award.

Maximum word count is 250 words.

If you have any questions, please contact Rene Castillo.
Personal Information

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* Full Name

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* Email Address

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* Phone Number

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* Name of Institution

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* Credentials

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* How do you identify?

Abstract Upload
Abstracts should loosely fit the following format:

Background: Clearly articulated context for project or research study including relevant

Substantive, clearly stated purpose of the project or research study.

Clear description of how the project was conducted or implemented; sound and appropriate design.

Clear and unambiguous statement documenting the changes or improvements and its sustainability.

Implications of the project beyond the local setting.

Simple graphs or tables as well as up to 3 literature references may be included.

Responsibility for accuracy rests with the Presenting Author.

When using abbreviations, spell the full name out on first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses. Do not abbreviate compounds in the title of the abstract. Use of unfamiliar abbreviations may be grounds for rejection unless definitions are supplied in the abstract.

Question Title

* Please upload submission.
(Maximum file size is 16MB.)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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* Please number and include all Other Author’s First Name, Last Name, Credentials, and Affiliations, if any:

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* Please enter any disclosure information for all authors and co-authors. If none, please enter 'No Disclosures'.