Intranet Evaluation: Updating GVNet Question Title * 1. What type of content do you primarily seek on the GVNet intranet site? District news and updates HR policies and procedures Training materials and resources Links to district resources All of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Please rank the type of content you would like to see on the GVNet intranet site in order of importance. (1-being most important, 5-being least important) Question Title * 3. How often do you visit GVNet? Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely or never Question Title * 4. What challenges have you faced when using the current GVNet site? Difficulty finding information Outdated content Poor navigation All of the above None of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Which content format do you prefer for communication and training materials? Written articles/documents Videos Informational Graphics/Infographics A combination of the above Question Title * 6. What topics or areas do you believe need better coverage on the intranet site? Employee benefits Health and wellness Team collaboration tools All of the above Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How important is mobile accessibility when using the GVNet intranet site? Extremely important Important Somewhat important Not important Question Title * 8. Would you be willing to contribute content or provide feedback for the intranet site? Yes, I'd like to contribute content Yes, I'd like to provide feedback No, I prefer not to contribute or provide feedback If yes, please provide your name and email. Question Title * 9. What time of day do you typically access GVNet? Morning Afternoon Evening I access it throughout the day Question Title * 10. Which communication and collaboration features would you like to see improved on the intranet site? Discussion forums Employee directories Task management tools Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. How can GVNet better support your daily work and communication needs within the district? Improved access to resources Enhanced team collaboration features More relevant news and updates Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. Please share what you like about our current GVNet. Question Title * 13. Please share what you believe needs to be improved, if anything at all. Done