The Open Scholarship SIG will focus on increasing the practice of open scholarship (e.g., data sharing, open access publishing, sharing materials, replication of prior research) in education research. Open scholarship practices seek to increase access to research products/materials, transparency of research practices, and the reproducibility/rigor of research. These goals help research become more trustworthy and more accessible to all, no matter their background, nation of origin, or where they reside.

Please indicate your support by supplying your information below, and forwarding the petition to those who may also be interested in supporting this proposed SIG. You must be a member of AERA to support the formation of a new AERA SIG. Submitting your name and contact information to this petition indicates your support for the formation of the Open Scholarship SIG, and your commitment to join this SIG (annual fee of $5 for regular members, $5 for students) for a three-year period.

Question Title

* 1. First Name

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* 2. Middle Initial

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* 3. Last Name

Question Title

* 4. Are you a current AERA member?

Question Title

* 5. Please enter your AERA member number (if known)

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* 6. Email Address

Question Title

* 7. Phone Number

Thank you for signing the petition.