Fisher Community Awards 2020

I want our part of the Sunshine Coast to be the place to be for Education, Employment and Retirement. I want to recognise those individuals and organisations who are leading the way in making that a reality with their contribution to our community. I need your help to find those unsung local people. 

If you know an individual or an organisation who has made a contribution to our community and deserves to win an award in any of my nine categories, please tell me about them, and why they deserve to win, in this questionnaire before Wednesday 26 February 2020.

All nominations are made anonymously and we will not give your contact details to any third party. After submitting your nomination, if you want your nominee to know that you have nominated them, please contact them directly. For privacy reasons we will not reveal your nomination to anyone.

Please note that to be eligible for an award, the nominee must live or do their work in the Federal Electorate of Fisher. A map of Fisher may be found here.

Please ensure you fill in all of the information required for your nomination including full names and contact details. Nominees that cannot be identified by our team from the details you have provided will not be included for consideration.

If your nominee is shortlisted they will be advised via email on Monday 2 March 2020.

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* Please provide your full name, suburb and contact details to allow us to verify your nominations or get any extra information we need about your nominees. We will not give your name or contact details to anyone else without your permission.

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* For which category would you like to make a nomination?

Please note that to make nominations in more than one category you will need to complete a separate form for each nomination. When you have completed the survey and pressed "Done", simply refresh your webpage to make another nomination.