Question Title

* 1. How did you first learn about our museum?

Question Title

* 2. How would you rate the directions and parking at the museum?

Question Title

* 3. What was your experience like with the admissions / ticket purchase process?

Question Title

* 4. How would you rate the museum layout and flow?

Question Title

* 5. Did you find the artifact details and signage helpful in understanding the exhibits?

Question Title

* 6. How helpful were our docent / guide staff?

Question Title

* 7. Please rate the following multimedia / immersive exhibits in the main gallery?

  Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A (Did not view)
Introductory Theater
World War I Trench Experience
War Clouds / Origins of WWII / Rise of Axis Powers Gallery
The War In Europe Large Presentation (Bottom of the Hour)
"Clash of Steel" T-34 vs. Panther Large Presentation (Top of the Hour)
Hanoi Hilton Vietnam War POW Exhibit
September 11, 2001 / Flight 93 Video Presentation
M1A1 Abrams / Sgt. George Ulloa Crew Video Presentation

Question Title

* 8. Did you visit our gift shop?

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* 9. If yes, how would you rate the variety and quality of products in our gift shop?

Question Title

* 10. What was the best part of your visit?

Question Title

* 11. What was the worst part of your visit?

Question Title

* 12. What can we do to make the visitor experience better?