SweetWater Guide Beer Fund Application

Visit GuideBeer.com for more information.

11% of profits from SweetWater Brewing Co's Guide Beer will benefit guides in need (due to a natural disaster, illness, injury, or otherwise).  

Please complete the following for yourself or the person you're submitting. 

After the initial application is submitted, it will be reviewed and SweetWater will contact you with questions within one month or less.  If you require immediate contact, please email tucker@sweetwaterbrew.com.  
1.I am submitting this application on behalf of:
2.Name of guide in need:
3.Email of guide in need
4.Phone number of guide in need
5.Your name (if not submitting on your behalf)
6.Your phone (if not submitting on your behalf)
7.Your email (if not submitting on your behalf)
8.Type of unexpected hardship affecting the guide in need
9.Please share a few details about the crisis (what happened, how long the guide has been/will be out of work, etc.)
10.Name of guide's employer/business, type of service (i.e., fishing, skiing, hunting, etc.), and location
11.Website and/or social link for guide's business/booking
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered