CE Systems Interaction Feedback The Continuing Education (CE) Systems staff would like your feedback on your recent interaction. Question Title * 1. Please rate your satisfaction level of CE Systems handling of your particular issue. Excellent Good Fair Poor OK Question Title * 2. How satisfied were you with? Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied N/A The courtesy of the CE Systems staff? The courtesy of the CE Systems staff? Very Satisfied The courtesy of the CE Systems staff? Somewhat Satisfied The courtesy of the CE Systems staff? Neutral The courtesy of the CE Systems staff? Somewhat Dissatisfied The courtesy of the CE Systems staff? Very Dissatisfied The courtesy of the CE Systems staff? N/A The timeliness of the service provided? The timeliness of the service provided? Very Satisfied The timeliness of the service provided? Somewhat Satisfied The timeliness of the service provided? Neutral The timeliness of the service provided? Somewhat Dissatisfied The timeliness of the service provided? Very Dissatisfied The timeliness of the service provided? N/A The overall service experience? The overall service experience? Very Satisfied The overall service experience? Somewhat Satisfied The overall service experience? Neutral The overall service experience? Somewhat Dissatisfied The overall service experience? Very Dissatisfied The overall service experience? N/A OK Question Title * 3. Please provide any helpful comments or additional feedback, so that we may improve our service to you. OK Question Title * 4. Would you like the CE Systems office to contact you to help further resolve your issue (if it is still unresolved)? Yes No OK NEXT