Interested in free instructional coaching to improve and strengthen your practice?

JOIN Educators Leading the Profession 2024-2025!


Virtual, content-focused instructional coaching

Non-evaluative support with colleagues
outside of your school district

Asynchronous Professional Development Opportunities

For Questions, Please email

Question Title

* 4. Name

Question Title

* 6. Mobile Number

Question Title

* 7. Home Address

Question Title

* 8. OEA Membership Number

(If you need your membership number, please contact OEA at 1-844-OEA-INFO)

Question Title

* 9. Local Association Name

Question Title

* 10. Local School District

Question Title

* 11. Current Teaching Licensure Area(s)

Question Title

* 12. Current Teaching Assignment

Question Title

* 13. Previous Teaching Assignment

(If Different From Current Assignment)

If the same type SAME

Question Title

* 14. Most Recent OTES Summative Evaluation Score

Question Title

* 15. I am willing and able to work virtually, on a mutually-selected schedule, if paired with an instructional coach.

Question Title

* 16. I am willing to attend and be engaged in virtual workshops offered to participants.

Question Title

* 17. To your knowledge, have you even been or are you now under investigation by your local employer and/or state or national educational entity?

Question Title

* 18. Have you ever or are you anticipating receiving licensure discipline due to a conviction?

100% of survey complete.