Career Ready Practices and AFNR Cluster Skills

The National FFA Organization and The National Council for Agriculture Education are cooperating to lead this review of the Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Ready Practices and the AFNR Cluster Skills to determine their continued relevance. These standards were intended to be overarching skills and practices that students in all Career Clusters should master in order to achieve career success.

Each standard is further defined by performance indicators and measurements. You will be asked to evaluate each level--standards, performance indicators and measurements.

Those who complete this survey and provide us with their contact information at the end of the survey will be entered in a drawing. We'll be giving away ten $100 gift cards.

Question Title

* 1. Please review Career Ready Practice 1 (CRP.01) and its performance indicators  (CRP.01.01, CRP.01.02, CRP.01.03) below.

CRP.01. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee.
CRP.01.01. Model personal responsibility in the workplace and community.
CRP.01.02. Evaluate and consider the near-term and long-term impacts of personal and professional decisions on employers and community before taking action.
CRP.01.03. Identify and act upon opportunities for professional and civic service at work and in the community.

How strongly do you agree that the standard and each performance indicator reflect essential practices that students need to be ready for careers in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR)?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
The Career Ready Practice and its performance indicators accurately reflect practices necessary for students to be career ready.
The Career Ready Practice and its performance indicators are up to date; they reflect current practices needed in today's workplace.