
Following the Standard Operating Procedure for Development of SBTi Standards, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is opening an initial public consultation process for external stakeholders to provide feedback to its Corporate Net-Zero Standard Version 2.0 initial draft.

We welcome all stakeholders with an interest in this project development to share your valuable feedback on the following resources:

  1. Corporate Net-Zero Standard Version 2.0 First Public Consultation Draft
We also welcome you to refer to the following, supplementary material:
  1. Executive summary
  2. Consultation draft with narrative
  3. Documentation of target setting methods
  4. Documentation of cross-sector pathway
  5. Scope 3 Discussion Paper Feedback Report
  6. Evidence Synthesis Report Part 2: Energy Carriers and Commodity Certificates
  7. Evidence Synthesis Report Part 2: Environmental Attribute Certificates – Fuels
  8. Evidence Synthesis Report Part 2: Environmental Attribute Certificates – Electricity
To view the full list of consultation survey questions in pdf format, please click here.
Survey objectives

This public consultation is open from March 18th 2025 until 1st June, 2025.

The primary aims of this consultation survey are to:
  • Gather input from external stakeholders on the 1st public consultation draft, to inform the development of the 2nd public consultation draft.
  • Elicit feedback on specific areas that have emerged as key topics through the development process so far:
    • Scope 2: Addressing emissions from purchased or acquired electricity to ensure effective decarbonization.
    • Scope 3: Target-setting approaches, strategies and interventions for addressing scope 3 emissions.
    • Removals: Neutralization and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), particularly regarding removals targets.
    • Ongoing emissions and BVCM: Addressing ongoing emissions in the transition to net-zero through Beyond Value Chain Mitigation (BVCM) activities, including the scale of action and allowable measures.
    • Data quality, data assurance and claims.
  • Engage directly and indirectly with external stakeholders to build support and identify areas of improvement.
What to expect from the survey

The initial survey section requests contact information that is being collected to aid SBTi in analyzing the feedback.

In this survey you will be asked to submit a response to key questions that are critical to informing the further development of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard Version 2.0.

After the initial introductory questions, you will have the opportunity to decide how you would like to respond to the survey. You can respond to the survey in its entirety, meaning you will be shown the full set of survey questions, or you can respond to questions on specific topic(s). In both cases, it is possible to provide open-ended feedback at the end of the survey. Please also note, in both cases, you are not required to answer all the survey questions and you can skip certain questions, should you wish.

The below guidance may be helpful in deciding which survey route to follow:

  • If you would like to provide detailed feedback on specific area(s) of the Standard please read the full chapter on the relevant topic(s) and take the survey option to respond on your specific topic(s) of interest. In the survey you may skip questions that are not applicable (expected time 20 minutes - 2 hours, depending on number of topics selected).
  • If you wish to provide full feedback please review the full standard and complete the full survey. In the survey you may skip questions that are not applicable (expected time ~2 hours).
Results of this consultation will be made publicly available, but may be published at the stakeholder (rather than individual respondent) level. For example, companies may be identified as the stakeholder group "Company" rather than "ABC Corp".

All feedback will be analyzed and used to inform the next revision of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard Version 2.0. When analyzing the data, it is helpful for SBTi to know which responses are from which stakeholder group, so we kindly ask you to provide us with information about your organization.

Respondents are encouraged to provide their own original inputs to the survey. While we recognize that AI tools may be used for translations or refinements, responses that are entirely AI-generated or bot-generated without original input may be subject to further review and potential exclusion from the analysis. SBTi reserves the right to exclude submissions that it reasonably deems to be entirely AI- or bot-generated from analysis.

For queries relating to this survey, please contact

Stakeholders are strongly encouraged to submit their feedback via the official public consultation survey, which is the primary channel through which submissions will be reviewed and analysed. In cases where stakeholders are submitting consolidated or aggregate feedback that cannot reasonably be submitted through the online survey, these may be sent to When providing feedback by email, please ensure that:

  • Each comment clearly references the relevant section or criterion of the standard, and
  • It is specified whether the submission can be made public as part of the consultation summary.

    Please note that feedback submitted outside the official consultation channels and unclear or incomplete submissions may not be reviewed or considered as part of the consultation process.
    Disclaimer and data privacy

    Please note that all submitted information and data will be treated with respect for your privacy in compliance with SBTi's privacy policy and applicable privacy laws and regulations.

    We collect, handle, and safeguard the information provided within this survey in the following way:

    • The data collected is used exclusively for the purpose of this consultation, which may include (i) the evaluation and analysis of submissions, and (ii) contacting you regarding your submission.
    • Your personal data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. We will not disclose your personal information without your explicit consent.
    • We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. We are committed to maintaining the security and integrity of all data collected.
    • We will retain your data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this consultation unless a longer retention period is necessary for legitimate research purposes.
    • Any information or data that is published based on submissions will be anonymized.
    “Science Based Targets initiative” and “SBTi” refer to the Science Based Targets initiative, a private company registered in England number 14960097 and registered as a UK Charity number 1205768.

    © SBTi 2025