Thank you for providing your time and experience to Council’s committee. With the election of Council now complete we are undertaking a review of all of our community committees and would appreciate your feedback. This feedback will assist us to ensure that we provide committees that are structured and run in an efficient and consultative manner.

This survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. The Governance Department will treat your survey with confidentiality.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.

Question Title

* Which committee are you currently a member of?

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* How many years have you been a member?

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* Do you feel that the committee meets regularly enough?

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* Are the meeting venues appropriate?

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* Do you recieve committee minutes?

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* Do you feel the meetings run effectively?

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* Looking at the membership of your committee, do you feel that any sector of the community is not represented on the committee?

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* Do you feel that you are able to effectively contribute to the committee?

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* What do you feel works well with your committee?

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* What do you feel could be improved?

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* Do you have any suggested projects/new directions that you feel the committee should explore?

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* Any other comments?