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On behalf of the Government Transition Advisory Committee (GTAC), we invite you to review and provide feedback on our draft recommendations to future city leaders on community engagement with future City Council and how to improve community engagement in the City’s new budget process.

This link will open a new window to the recommendations. Watch our welcome video from GTAC member, Destiny Magana-Pablo.

About the survey
This survey focuses on select recommendations from GTAC that impact community members most. Reading the full recommendations document is helpful, but not required to take the survey. You may submit detailed comments on the document by emailing transition@portlandoregon.gov.

This survey closes Monday, August 12 at 11:59p.m. and takes 10-20 minutes to complete not including watching the presentation.

The draft recommendations are based on peer city research, previous community engagement (see Future Districts and Council Operations Public Comment Report - March 2024), and committee experience and discussions. Funding has not yet been identified to support all of these recommendations and tradeoffs between them or existing programs may be required.

How your input will be used
We expect our recommendations to evolve based on your feedback. The final recommendations will be given to the newly elected mayor, city council, and administrative leadership in the fall of 2024.

Who is GTAC?
The Government Transition Advisory Committee (GTAC) is a group of Portlanders appointed by the mayor and city council in March 2023. We act as the primary community engagement and advisory body for Portland’s government transition.

All comments received may be subject to disclosure upon request under Oregon’s Public Records Law.

Question Title

* 1. All responses are optional. Your survey response will be kept confidential and securely stored unless there is a public records request. Public records requests are when members of the public, media, etc. request access to information from a public body like the City of Portland.

Question Title

* 2. Before we start, select the topics you wish to provide feedback on. You will only see questions related to your selection.

33% of survey complete.