
Thank you for your interest in leading a workshop at the 2017 California Regional AYCO Festival. Please fill out this application (separate application for each workshop you would like to present) and submit by April 9th, 2017.

Please address any questions to Sieglinde at

We will offer selected presenters complimentary admission to the festival. Space is limited - presenter selection will be based on the timeliness of the application and the subject matter of proposed workshops.

We are committed to creating a festival that provides something for everyone, regardless of age and skill level. We encourage creative workshop concepts that incorporate circus in both traditional and new ways. We are seeking presenters for both ground and aerial acrobatic workshops, as well as related circus arts and disciplines - stage make-up, act creation and choreography, clowning, physical theater, yoga, and beyond!

We will be in touch with you once we receive your application!

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your contact details: