We can't wait to hear your story since you left Valpo! We know our international alumni have gone on to do great and rewarding things since leaving the university, and we would love to share your experiences with the wider Valpo family.

Please also email a current picture of yourself (casual to business casual) to international@valpo.edu.

International Programs reserves the right to edit your submissions, request more information, or ask for an alternate picture. No edit will be made and then posted to the Alumni Stories website which changes the meaning of the text you submitted. International Programs also reserves the right not to post a submission which is not in keeping with its mission and values.

If the information you submit changes (e.g., you change jobs), please keep us updated by emailing the change in information to international@valpo.edu.

Question Title

* 1. Name (as you would like it to appear on your profile)

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* 2. Current Email Address

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* 3. Are you willing for this email address to be posted to your profile on the Alumni Stories website so that all who view the page may see it?

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* 4. Country and city in which you live currently

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* 5. Current job or program of study

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* 6. Semester and year of graduation from Valpo, and program & degree

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* 7. Did you complete Interlink Language Center before studying at Valpo?

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* 8. What is your favorite memory from your time as a student at Valpo?

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* 9. Please describe how your time at Valpo prepared you for your career path to this point.

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* 10. Would you like to share a note about recent travels and/or adventures?