2024-25 Get Safe Online Website Survey

Get Safe Online provides free, impartial, expert and practical advice on safe online behaviour.

Your answers to this survey will help us improve our work. It should take around 2 minutes to complete.

Your responses are confidential, and any individual responses will only be shared with our evaluation partners. By answering the questions, you agree to participate in the study. You can view our privacy policy here.
1.Which country do you live in?
2.How would you rate your online safety knowledge before and after visiting the website?
Very Good
3.Have you changed any of your online safety practices as a result of visiting our website (choose all the options relevant to you)?
4.Did you find the website content relevant and useful?
5.How confident do you feel about managing online risks after visiting our website?
Not confident at all
Very confident
6.What prompted you to visit our website today (choose one)?
7.What is your gender?
8.How old are you?