Please take a few minutes to provide feedback on your overall experience with the Standards of Care (SoC) documents and the online platform. The information collected will remain anonymous and will be used to inform future improvements to this resource.  We value your feedback and thank you for your participation. 

Question Title

* 2. What part of the continuum of care did you complete the self-assessment for (select all that apply)?

Question Title

* 3. Please select your organization

Question Title

* 4. Please select your level of agreement with the following statements:  The Standards of Care ...

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
Helped identify areas that your team is excelling in as related to stroke best practices.
Helped identify opportunities for improvement related to stroke best practices.
Increased awareness of Toronto Stroke Networks' initiatives, tools, and resources that support the implementation of stroke best practices.
Supported your team's existing plans to meet stroke best practices.
Facilitated consideration of new ideas/plans to meet stroke best practices.
Documents are easily accessible on the Virtual Community of Practice.

Question Title

* 5. What have you found most valuable about the Standards of Care?

Question Title

* 6. Please describe how the Standards of Care process (any part) can be improved. Please be specific.

Thank you for supporting the Standards of Care. If you have any further feedback that you wish to share, please email Sandy Lyeo, Regional Education Coordinator: