Question Title * 1. This survey is being conducted by Adler Weiner Research in order to determine your eligibility for a focus group or interview about which you have been contacted. At no point are your individual answers ever sold or shared with our clients (aggregate data or anonymized summaries of the overall survey information may possibly be shared with our clients, however). This survey serves solely as a means for screening. Once the project has been completed this data will be deleted. For more information please see:Right to Opt-Out InfoFinancial Incentive InfoAdler Weiner Privacy Policy I consent to Adler Weiner Research collecting, storing and processing my personal information for the purpose of determining my eligibility for this market research focus group or interview. I understand and consent to the following: That should I be eligible for participation in this market research focus group or interview, my contact information (phone, email, and home address) may be shared with the client for purposes related only to this particular project and are not limited to: screening calls to further determine eligibility, sending of "homework" or pre-session assignments via email, allowing access to an online platform via email, or for in-home interviews conducted at your residence. Question Title * 2. CONTACT INFO Please provide the following: Name * Address * Apt # if applicable City/Town * State/Province * ZIP/Postal Code * Email Address * Phone Number * Question Title * 3. Do you identify as…? Male Female Non-binary/Non-conforming/Other Question Title * 4. What is your age range? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Question Title * 5. What is your exact age? Question Title * 6. What is your racial identity? Select all that apply Black or African American Asian / Pacific Islander Hispanic or Latino White Middle Eastern or North African American Indian or Alaska Native Multiracial / Mixed Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Which of the following categories best describes your household annual income before taxes? Less than $34,999 $35,000 - $49,999 $50,000 - $74,999 $75,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $149,999 $150,000 + Question Title * 8. We are talking to people in various occupations. Have you or any members of your immediate family been employed in the last five years by any of the following types of companies? an advertising or public relations firm? a marketing or marketing research firm or department? sales of toiletries, beauty, cosmetics, or personal care products? a company that manufactures, sells or distributes any cosmetics, skincare, toiletries, beauty aids, or personal care products? a drug store, department store, supermarket, grocery store, or discount store (Walmart, Target, etc.) or cosmetics specialty store? a makeup artist, aesthetician, hair salon, or beauty salon? None of these/I do not currently work for and have not worked for any of these types of companies in the past year Question Title * 9. Have you participated in a focus group or one-on-one interview in the last six months? Yes No Question Title * 10. What type of focus groups or one-on-one interviews have you participated in the last six months? Question Title * 11. How many focus groups or one-on-one interviews have you participated in total? 1 2 3 4+ Question Title * 12. Which one of the following best describes the degree to which you decide on the hair products you use? I am the primary decision maker on which hair products I use I make the majority of the decision on what I use with some input from others I choose from what someone else purchases for the household Someone else dictates what I use for hair products Question Title * 13. How many products do you typically use in your haircare routine? 1 product 2 products 3 products 4+ products Next