I learned skills as a Girl Scout that have helped me succeed in college and/or the workplace.
I learned skills as a Girl Scout that have helped me succeed in college and/or the workplace. Agree
I learned skills as a Girl Scout that have helped me succeed in college and/or the workplace. Disagree
I learned skills as a Girl Scout that have helped me succeed in college and/or the workplace. Not sure
The girl-only space created in Girl Scouts was helpful or empowering for me.
The girl-only space created in Girl Scouts was helpful or empowering for me. Agree
The girl-only space created in Girl Scouts was helpful or empowering for me. Disagree
The girl-only space created in Girl Scouts was helpful or empowering for me. Not sure
Girl-only spaces created by organizations like Girl Scouts are important today.
Girl-only spaces created by organizations like Girl Scouts are important today. Agree
Girl-only spaces created by organizations like Girl Scouts are important today. Disagree
Girl-only spaces created by organizations like Girl Scouts are important today. Not sure
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland is making my community a better place by building girls of courage, confidence, and character.
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland is making my community a better place by building girls of courage, confidence, and character. Agree
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland is making my community a better place by building girls of courage, confidence, and character. Disagree
Girl Scouts of Central Maryland is making my community a better place by building girls of courage, confidence, and character. Not sure
I want to learn more about how I can help Girl Scouts of Central Maryland develop girls into Go-Getters, Innovators, Risk-Takers, and Leaders.
I want to learn more about how I can help Girl Scouts of Central Maryland develop girls into Go-Getters, Innovators, Risk-Takers, and Leaders. Agree
I want to learn more about how I can help Girl Scouts of Central Maryland develop girls into Go-Getters, Innovators, Risk-Takers, and Leaders. Disagree
I want to learn more about how I can help Girl Scouts of Central Maryland develop girls into Go-Getters, Innovators, Risk-Takers, and Leaders. Not sure