Community Perception Survey on Bioenergy in Hawai'i

The purpose of this survey is to determine community values in Hawai'i for bioenergy as a form of renewable energy, in order to obtain input for the project development for a bioenergy project on O`ahu. The survey contains 24 questions pertaining to renewable energy and general demographics and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
1.How do you prioritize each of the following positive effects of development?(Required.)
Not a priority
Some priority
Indifferent/ no opinion
A priority
A top priority
New and quality jobs
Climate actions
Improving infrastructure for waste management and energy production
Improving transportation (reduce congestion, improving freight access)
Making local products
2.How important are each of the following negative impacts of development to you?(Required.)
Not Important
Slightly Important
Most Important
Sight Lines/ Views
Land Use Change
3.The materials listed below can be converted into fuel and recycled-material products. Select your preference for each material. You may select the same ranking more than once.(Required.)
Least Preferred
Slightly Preferred
Most Preferred
I don't know what this is.
Construction & Demolition Debris (C&D)
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW/trash)
Automobile Shredder Residue (ASR)
Invasive Plant Species
Landscaping Waste
Agricultural Waste
Food Waste
Sewage Sludge
Commercial Timber
Energy Crops
4.Who do you think is responsible for fixing issues in the community? Choose top 3.
5.If you had to choose between these options, which would you choose?
Option A
Option B
A. Imported fossil fuel (like oil & coal) for electricity

B. Imported biomass (wood chips or vegetable oil) for electricity
A. Small project using only locally sourced material that provides some benefit

B. Larger project using imported material that will provide a larger benefit, such as higher amount of greenhouse gases avoided
A: Burning waste to make electricity, which is simpler and cheaper but has more air emissions.

B. Gasifying waste to make electricity, which is complicated and more expensive but less air emissions and can also be used to make renewable fuel.
A. A new employer with a few highly skilled jobs

B. A new employer with a lot of general labor jobs
A. Recycling and re-using waste on island

B. Shipping waste elsewhere for disposal
A. The convenience of waste and recycling facilities near to where you live and work

B. A buffer requiring them to be far away
A. Keeping things the way they are

B. Putting in new infrastructure to increase efficiency and sustainability
A. Invasive species for energy conversion 

B. Native species for energy conversion
6.Of the following land use options for flat agricultural land, which do you prefer?
7.Would you consider shipping trash or agricultural waste inter island for recycling to be an acceptable course of action? Assume all appropriate regulations will be followed and considered.
Somewhat unacceptable
Undecided/ No opinion
Somewhat acceptable
8.The following energy products all can be made in Hawaii, but there is a limit to the resources to make them from. Choose the 3 most important in your view. ("Green", "renewable" & "sustainable" mean a lower lifecycle of green house gas emissions than fossil fuels)
9.If fossil gasoline is $5 US, how much are you willing to pay total,  for a gallon of locally made renewable fuel? (in US $/gallon)(Required.)
10.What do you consider the most effective way for us to get community input?
11.What is your impression of the desirability for each of the following types of renewable energy? You may select the same ranking more than once.
Least Desirable
Slightly Desirable
Most Desirable
I Don't Know What This Is
Renewable Diesel
Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Renewable Biogas
Green Hydrogen
12.What policies affecting bioenergy production are you familiar with?
13.Where do you hear most about new happenings, to inform your thoughts?
14.How many times have you been impacted by unplanned electricity power outages within the past 2 years?
15.What does success look like to you? This question is intentionally open ended.
16.Tell us about your education level.
17.Which racial identity do you most identify with?
18.What best describes your employment status?
19.What is your residential zip code?
20.What is your age?
21.How many years have you lived in Hawaii?
22.Do you have native Hawaiian ancestry?
23.Would you like to be contacted for a follow-up?
24.What else would you like us to know?