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Gunpowder Riverkeeper launched Clear Choices Clean Water in partnership with Waterkeepers Chesapeake, Harford County DPW, and Chesapeake Bay Trust to increase awareness about how choices residents make impact local streams, rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. Please take this survey to share what you already know about water friendly practices!

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* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name 

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* 3. What is your email address?

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* 4. Please enter your zip code. 

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* 5. During the last calendar year, in which of the following ways have you used the streams, lakes and ponds in and around your community? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. What do you see as the underlying cause(s) of pollution in our local waterways? (Select all that apply)

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* 7. Poor water quality and quantity management can lead to a variety of concerns for communities. How much of a problem are the following issues in your area?

  Not a problem Somewhat of a problem Severe problem Don't know 
Contaminated fish or fish kills 
Contaminated drinking water/groundwater
Reduced beauty of lakes or streams (algae, cloudy water, etc.) 
Reduced opportunity for water recreation due to bacteria 
Excessive quantities of aquatic plants or algae
Sediment getting to local lakes and streams 
Adequate groundwater levels/supplies 
Flooding due to volume of stormwater runoff 
Erosion of stream banks and/or property 
Loss of wetlands or floodplains from land development 
High drinking water costs or other water utility fees 
Drought or flood impacts from changing weather patterns 
Loss of desirable fish species or other wildlife

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* 8. I would get involved in activities to address water quality issues if...

  Strongly Disagree Disagree No Opinion  Agree Strongly Agree
It's connected with the needs and interests of my family and friends
It's connected with the needs and interests of my church 
It's connected to my paid work 
I believe it's a worthwhile cause in my community (made a difference) 
There was a clear need for volunteers in the community 
It's an opportunity to help people 
It's an opportunity to learn something new 
It's an opportunity to be outside 
It's an opportunity to meet new people 
It's connected to my neighborhood association 
The activities were scheduled on the weekends 
The activity lasted less than two hours 
I read an article in the newspaper about the issue
There was a volunteer training program 
The hours could be documented and count toward other volunteer activities I am engaged in 
I received a small non-monetary gift for participation 
There was a recognition program for volunteers 

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* 9. Which of the following practices are you likely to do (or have done for you) on a regular basis?

  Not relevant to me Unsure, Need Information  Unlikely  Likely  Already Do It 
Take used automotive oil to a recycling center 
Have my oil changed at an automotive center 
Conduct soil tests to determine fertilizer application rates for my lawn 
Reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and weed killers on my lawn 
Use a fertilizer that has limited phosphorus or no phosphorus at all 
Stop using salt to melt ice at my residence 
Compost leaves and grass clippings 
Use a mulching lawn mower 
Direct rain sprouts to my lawn or a flower garden rather than my driveway 
Install a rain barrel to collect rainwater from my downsprouts
Adjust sprinklers to water my lawn, not the driveway or street 
Keep street storm drains in front of my residence clear of leaves and grass clippings
Wash my car on my lawn instead of the street or driveway 
Wash my car at the car wash 
Clean up and dispose of pet waste on my own and others' property 
Report illegal dumping into storm drainage systems 
Support or shop at businesses with 'certified' environmental practices 
Install a rain garden to collect and soak up rainwater from my downspouts or yard runoff
Drop off unused medications at a drug take-back location
Replace faucets, shower heads, and/or toilets with water saving fixtures
Replace large appliances like clothes washers and dish washers with water and energy saving appliances 
Change daily behaviors to cut back on how much water is used around my house (shorter showers, less lawn watering, run less water while brushing teeth or doing dishes etc.) 
Plant more trees or native plants on my property 
Have my septic tank pumped and regularly maintained (every 3 to 5 years) 

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* 10. Thinking back to the practices listed in the previous question, to what extent would the factors below prevent you from doing those practices?

  Not likely to prevent me  Likely to prevent me  Definitely prevent me
Personal out-of-pocket expenses
My own physical abilities 
Not having equipment I may need
Lack of information about the practice 
Approval of my neighbors 
Don't want to participate in government programs or intiatives
I don't own the property where I live 
Concerned about the resale value of my property 
Concerned about the aesthetic value of my property 
I need to learn new skills before I can change 
I don't know where to get materials or products I might need
I don't know what the 'right thing' to do is – I've heard conflicting messages

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* 11. What is the approximate distance from your residence to the closest lake, stream, or river? 

0 of 11 answered