Share your story and win* a £50 Amazon Voucher!

Do you have a story to tell about how advice helped you? Have you made a big financial decision or put new plans in place with the help of a professional? If so, your #SharedExperiences could help others to realise their own dreams.

How to take part in #SharedExperiences

Here’s how you could share your story and win a £50 Amazon voucher.
1. Send us a short paragraph that summarises your advice experience. You can find some examples below.
2. If we like the sound of your story, we’ll contact you to arrange a chat to find out more.
3. You tell us more over the phone, and we’ll write up the interview. All names and sensitive information will be changed.
4. If we choose to publish the story, you’ll receive your £50 prize.

How much should I write?

Your initial entry should be between 50 and 80 words. It’s just to give us an idea of what you have to talk about, so don’t worry about making it polished. Here are some sample entries to give you a steer:

‘We always hoped to retire early so we could see the world while we still had the energy. Our IFA’s plan has let us see exactly what we can afford, and so far we’ve been lucky enough to visit Canada, Cambodia and New Zealand, with Kenya next year.’

‘I wanted a way to help my three children financially through higher education, without any of them losing out. After careful planning with my IFA, I decided the best way was to buy a flat in Nottingham where they hope to go, where they can each stay while studying, sub-let to friends, and sell when the last one graduates.’

*Terms and conditions apply. Click here for more details.

Question Title

* 1. To enter the competition, please enter your details below.

Question Title

* 2. Please give us a short summary of your advice story