
Thank you for your interest in the HM AHEC Job Shadow/Internship Program!

What is the difference between a job shadow and internship?

Both are opportunities to work with a healthcare professional in the area of your choice to understand their day-to-day activities and ask any questions you may have. The difference is that a job shadow is usually 4-6 hours in one day that fits your schedule while an internship is 40 hours over time.

Who Should Apply?

High school students who:
•Will be entering 9th through 12th grade for the 2024-2025 school year;
•Are considering a career in health care and;
•Want to learn more about what it takes to pursue a health care education

Although we do not want to deter anyone from applying, most healthcare organizations do require the job shadows and interns they host to be at least 16 years of age. We are always adding new organizations to our list and will work to accommodate all of our applicants.

Application Process

1. Complete this application form

2. You can expect an email in response from aguyette-blackmer@hmahec.org within 3 days of submission.

3. After the initial email connection, we will find you a placement and follow up with forms to be completed and signed by you and your parent/guardian which include:
  • Parental Consent
  • Medical & Emergency Contact Information
  • Code of Conduct