With the support of Casey Family Programs, Generations United is continuing to build the GRAND Voices initiative. GRAND Voices are a select group of kinship caregivers who have a range of expertise and personal experience as relatives, and/or close family friends who have raised children when their parents have been unable to do so. Our GRAND Voices are from 46 states, the District of Columbia, and 12 tribes.
The GRAND Voices initiative serves as a strategic partner with Generations United and Casey Family Programs to inform kinship policies and practices and to reveal family needs and service gaps. In addition, they:
· Connect with other caregivers
· Advocate on behalf of kinship caregivers to promote improvements to the child welfare system and other supportive services both inside and outside the child welfare system
· Provide input on draft publications and other materials for kinship families
· Model the value of caregiver engagement
· Foster leadership development
The GRAND Voices initiative is designed to ensure there are strong caregiver voices in shaping programs, policies and strategies that result in better outcomes for children and families. Our GRAND Voices will participate in quarterly advisory meetings and be invited to participate in a range of supported awareness raising and educational activities.
The GRAND Voices initiative launched in mid-2014 as a pilot with only five members and has grown to include members in almost all the states and 12 tribes. They have testified at Capitol Hill briefings, met with staff of members of Congress and key Congressional committees, spoken at a White House convening, served on the federal Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Advisory Council and provided input on proposed legislation, draft publications, and essential data collection. GRAND Voice engagements vary by each individual member’s interests, expertise, and the opportunities available through Generations United and Casey Family Programs. We are continuing to add GRAND Voices and look forward to receiving your application to join us. We hope to have members in all 50 states within the next couple of years.