DRDC Public Input Survey for Fiscal Year 2020
Disability Rights DC at University Legal Services (“DRDC”) is a private, non-profit organization that protects and promotes the rights of persons who have disabilities in the District of Columbia. DRDC is authorized to do its work by federal laws that also require that we identify priorities each year that will determine which cases we accept, what kind of training and education we provide, and what systemic issues we will address.
Every year we ask persons who have disabilities, their family members and other interested individuals to tell us what kinds of issues and problems they think DRDC should work to improve.
In this survey, we want you to tell us about the most important issues affecting the rights and services of individuals with disabilities in the District of Columbia. Please contact DRDC if you would like to complete the survey in an alternate format.
If you would like to see a copy of our current goals, priorities and objectives, you can call (202) 547-0198 to request a copy. You can also download a copy from our website at www.uls-dc.org.
Because DRDC cannot address every issue of concern to individuals with disabilities, we are asking for your help in selecting those that are most important. For each category below, please rank the issues in order of importance.
Please return the survey by September 30, 2019.
You can submit it via email to jbrown@uls-dc.org or in the mail to Jane Brown at University Legal Services, 220 I Street, NE., Ste. 130, Washington, D.C. 20002.