Is testicular torsion a clinical diagnosis ?
When you see a child with acute scrotal pain, what is your underlying guiding principle ?
I need to explore as I cannot rule out testicular torsion
If I do not have a high clinical suspicion for torsion, I should order a scan
Do you practice in the UK ?
What is your main area of practice ?
Paediatric Surgery
Paediatric Urology
In your practice, how often does a scrotal exploration reveal testicular torsion ?
~ 10 %
~ 25%
~ 50%
~ 75%
> 90%
I don't know
How often do you obtain a scrotal ultrasound scan ?
Almost never
Around half of the time
Almost always
I only scan if I am clinically NOT suspecting a high risk of testicular torsion
Do you use risk scoring systems like TWIST ?
Almost never
Around half of the time
Almost always
Only if I am clinically NOT suspecting a high risk of testicular torsion
Current Progress,
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