The Community Strategic Plan (The Plan) is Council's most important strategic document, which sets out the community's goals for the shire for the next ten years.
The Plan guides everything that council does and as such, we need to get it right and make sure that it accurately reflects what is important to you and what you see as the priorities for our organisation and our shire.
This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. To go into the draw to win one of five $50 Love Local Gift Cards, please provide your details.
You can also provide feedback by emailing
We greatly value your input and thank you for helping us shape our shire and our council for the future.

All information you provide will be kept private and confidential. It will only be used for the purpose of developing our Integrated Planning and Reporting plans, including the new Community Strategic Plan.

Question Title

* 1. Please select your age group

Question Title

* 2. What gender are you?

Question Title

* 3. Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander heritage?

Question Title

* 4. Are you a person with a disability?

Question Title

* 5. What is the name of the town or village in the Shire where you live?

Question Title

* 6. How long have you lived in Moree Plains Shire

Question Title

* 7. Which statement best describes you?

Challenges and Opportunities for our community

To develop the Moree Plains Community Strategic Plan in 2022, we asked you what challenges our community faced in achieving our common goals. We want to know if these are still challenges or if you have experienced some improvement in the past four (4) years or your duration of your stay in the Shire.

Question Title

* 8. Have you seen improvement in the following challenges faced in creating an Inclusive and Caring Community?

  No Longer a challenge Lots of improvement Some improvement Still a challenge Has become a bigger challenge
Access to education
Access to health services
Support, services and programs for our ageing population
Access to daycare, after-school care, vacation care
Crime prevention
Declining volunteerism
Access to cultural activities
Inclusiveness of the Shire
Access to recreation activites and facilities
Liveability of the Shire
Cultural recognition, awareness and celebration
Access to suitable and affordable housing
Support, services and programs for young people

Question Title

* 9. Have you seen improvement in the following challenges faced in creating Sustainable Spaces and Places?

  No longer a challenge Lots of improvement Some improvement still a challenge Has become a bigger challenge
Increasing energy costs
Keeping heritage and character of local area
Maintenance of public spaces. and facilities
Preparedness for natural disasters including flooding, drought, fire and adverse climate conditions
Protecting our environment from noxious weeds
Protecting our prime agricultural land
Management of our water utilities
Management of our sewer utilities
Management of our waste utilities
Threat of extractive industires
Threats to our water supplies

Question Title

* 10. Have you seen improvement in the following challenges faced in creating a Vibrant Regional Economy?

  No longer a challenge Lots of improvement Some improvement Still a challenge Has become a bigger challenge
A declining population
A sustainable road network
Access to meaningful employment
Attracting more visitors to the Shire
Increasing foot traffic in our town centres
Regular, reliable air service to Sydney
Reliable internet service across the Shire
Workforce attraction and retention

Question Title

* 11. Have you seen improvements in creating Transformational leadership of Moree Plains Shire Council?

  No longer a challenge Lots of improvement Some improvement Still a challenge Has become a bigger challenge
Access to community messages in a central location
Providing opportunities for community involvement
Effectiveness of Council lobbying activities
Building knowledge and capacity around available services, facilities and supports
Financial sustainability
Responsiveness of Council
Transparency of Council decision making
Collaboration with stakeholders and the community
Management of Council's assets eg. building, halls and bridges
Management of Council's parks and public spaces assets

Question Title

* 12. Are there new challenges facing the Moree Plains Shire that are missing from these lists?

Question Title

* 13. In the time you've spent in Moree Plains Shire, what, if any, challenges to the community, economy or environment have you experience directly?

Question Title

* 14. The thing I value or like most about Moree Plains is:
(excluding family and friends?)

Question Title

* 15. The thing I'd most like to improve or change about Moree Plains in the next 10 years is?

Question Title

* 16. How would you make this change happen, or take advantage of this opportunity?

Our Community's Goals:

As part of developing our Community Strategic Plan in 2022, our community set goals for where we want to be in 2032. To what extent do you agree that we have achieved, or are on our way to achieving the following goals:

Question Title

* 17. An Inclusive, Caring Community

  Strongly agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree
I have access to the health, social and community services I need
I feel like I belong and my community respects my heritage and culture
I feel part of a community where there are opportunities for involvement in arts, cultural sports, recreation and life-long learning
I love living in the Moree Plains
I feel safe in my community

Question Title

* 18. Sustainable Spaces and Places

  Strongly agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree
I value my Shire’s natural environment and the richness of the black soil plains
I have reliable services that allow me to make day-to-day choices that support a clean and healthy natural environment
My Shire has places and spaces that are desirable places to be

Question Title

* 19. A Vibrant Regional Economy

  Strongly agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree
I am connected to my community and beyond
I am proud of the Moree Plains and welcome friends, family and visitors to enjoy the unique attractions of our area
I live in a place which has a strong and sustainable economy

Question Title

* 20. If you are a business owner or manager please answer the following question. (If you are not, please go to question 21)

I am confident in the future of my enterprise

Question Title

* 21. Transformational leadership

  Strongly agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree
I have confidence that Council is an organisation that demonstrates best practice governance and embraces workplace excellence
I see Council actively representing the community’s aspirations and speaking out for the good of our community and Moree Plains Shire
I have opportunities to participate in and contribute my opinion to local decision-making and communication with Council is open, responsive and informed

Question Title

* 22. Which service would you like to see Council spend more of its budget on?

Question Title

* 23. Do you agree/disagree with the following statements

  Strongly agree Agree Unsure Disagree Strongly disagree
Council manages its finances well
Council delivers value for money for rates and services
Council delivers quality services
Council delivers quality infrastructure
Council provides good customer service

Question Title

* 24. What do you think Council is doing well?

Question Title

* 25. What do you think Council needs to work on?

Question Title

* 26. To spend more money in one area, we will need to reduce spending in another area. What area would you reduce spending in?

Question Title

* 27. Would you recommend living in the Moree Plains to a friend?

Yes Unsure No
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 28. I think the biggest challenge facing Moree Plains in the next 10 years will be?

Future Consultation and Draw Entry

Thank you for completing our survey! Your input will be used to help inform the drafting of our community's vision for 2036 and Council's strategic priorities.

Question Title

* 29. Would you like to be kept up to date on this and other Council matters?
*By providing your email address you will be added to Council's media distribution list.

Question Title

* 30. To go in the draw to win one of five Love Local Gift Cards valued at $50, please provide your contact details. The winners will be drawn after 15 February 2025.