SAH Search for the Executive Director

We have prepared a short survey that asks about the opportunities and challenges awaiting the next Executive Director of SAH. This survey also inquires about the experiences, characteristics, and qualifications the search committee should prioritize when it begins reviewing applications. Your submission will be confidentially collected by search firm Isaacson, Miller and the anonymous survey results will be shared with the search committee.
1.Please identify your organizational affiliation (Please check all that apply):
2.How many years have you been a member of SAH?
3.What makes the SAH Executive Director position an attractive opportunity at this particular moment and what opportunities await the next Executive Director?
4.What challenges will SAH face in the next five years that the Executive Director will need to address?
5.What experiences, professional background, and personal qualities are essential for this role?
6.If you have any suggestions for potential candidates, please provide their name and contact information below.
7.We welcome any additional thoughts you wish to share.