Thank you so much for joining over 11,000 public libraries, state libraries, military libraries, prison libraries, bookmobiles and other library locations to bring solar science to your community! This survey is meant to capture information about your participation and preparation for the 2023 ANNULAR ECLIPSE ONLY. Another survey will be sent after the 2024 Eclipse in April!
Our funders (Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and NASA) would love to hear about the amazing and innovative programs you've created, and partnerships you may have formed. As a reminder, completion of this survey was a condition of receiving the glasses or education kits, so please help us by providing your valuable response!

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 3. Did your library receive glasses from the STAR Library Network (STAR_Net), or did you purchase your own?

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* 4. How many programs around solar science, and/or the eclipse did your library provide provide prior to and during the Annular Eclipse on October 14th?

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* 5. What is the estimated total attendance for solar science related programs provided prior to and during the Annular Eclipse on October 14th? Please type a single number representing the total participation in all programs.

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* 6. If you received glasses from STAR_Net, how many other public, tribal, prison or military libraries did you share them with?

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* 7. If you received glasses from STAR_Net, how many other non library venues  (schools, museums, food banks, other non-profit/education, etc) venues did you share them with?

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* 8. Did you purposefully distribute glasses to underserved/underrepresented audiences? (Example, did you target promotion to these groups, or save a subset of glasses for them?) Groups underrepresented in STEM fields include Hispanics and Latinos, African Americans, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, the economically disadvantaged, people with disabilities, and women and girls. Underserved audiences may include rural audiences, economically challenged regions or urban audiences. If your community would be defined as underserved or underrepresented, please answer "Yes" to this question.

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* 9. Please provide us with your favorite photo (that has a signed photo release) from your pre-eclipse programming or eclipse day events. Upload files that are 1 MB or less in size. You can also provide us with a link to multiple images if you desire by emailing Sky Reid Mills (

PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.

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* 10. Please upload the signed photo release that goes with the uploaded photo. Download photo release forms: For an Adult | For a Minor

PDF file types only.

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* 11. Please tell us about any community organizations with which you partnered. (Check all that apply, and include organization names if possible in the comment box.)

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* 12. Which resources from SEAL/STAR Net/the Space Science Institute did you use? Please check all that apply.

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* 13. In what ways has the eclipse influenced your library's STEM programming? 

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* 14. If more glasses become available, would your library like to be contacted about receiving more glasses for the 2024 Total Eclipse in April?

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* 15. Would you like to share with us any quotes from your patrons or staff that we could share with our funders?