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* 1. The best way to play with your dog is with a:

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* 2. You have to play with your dog in order to be an effective trainer!

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* 3. All dogs are innately interested in playing with toys. It’s up to the trainer to learn how to bring it out of their dog!

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* 4. Working very hard to get a dog to play with toys can create toy avoidance.

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* 5. Good tug is a:

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* 6. Puppies take to the game of tug more easily than adult dogs, so start playing early and often!

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* 7. Personal Play can:

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* 8. A great use of personal play is to increase your dog’s natural focus and to reduce the use of classic food and toy reinforcers when working your dog for longer stretches of time.

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* 9. Food play builds interest in food as a reinforcer because it combines food with prey and hunt interests.

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* 10. Food play is a good choice for the following types of dogs:

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* 11. To reduce possession, lower the amount of effort your dog had to put out to "win" a toy. The harder the dog has to fight to win, the more they will want to celebrate that win and hoard their prize - which means not bringing the toy back.

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