You are being invited to participate in a research project about the Guideline Participant Orientation Tool (GPOT). Your input will inform the development of this tool to improve the guideline process. By completing this survey, you consent to the anonymized data collected to be used for the research study and to be summarized in aggregate in publication.

(Hamilton Integrated Research Ethics Board Project #1128)

We would like to obtain your views about the GPOT distributed to you as a participant in the guideline development process. The term guideline development group refers to the entire group involved in the process including the panelists, technical experts, chair or co-chairs, and methodologists.

Please review this tool before beginning the survey:

Guideline Participant Orientation Tool
This survey is approved for use in this research study only and may not be used, disseminated, reproduced, modified, adapted or translated without express written permission from the copyright holder. ©2017. Thomas Piggott & Holger Schünemann. McMaster University. All rights reserved.
50% of survey complete.