Which questions do you find most interesting?
(Please select 3 questions from all below)

Question Title

* 1. How is “knowledge work” changing?

Question Title

* 2. What traditional management approaches are no longer fit for task?

Question Title

* 3. Are there new management ideas with greater promise to raise performance?

Question Title

* 4. Where are we seeing higher performance achieved? What are they doing differently?

Question Title

* 5. Is Artificial Intelligence the answer?

Question Title

* 6. Who should be leading the charge? Is a new model of leadership required?

Question Title

* 7. What are some promising changes an organization could start making immediately to position itself for advantage in the next knowledge work?

Which 3 questions would you most like to see discussed at this year’s Forum?
(Please enter your suggestions here)

Question Title

* 8. Question 1

Question Title

* 9. Question 2

Question Title

* 10. Question 3

Question Title

* 11. If you would like to stay in touch with the Forum, please leave us your email address here.