Thank you!

Thank you so much for taking a few minutes to give us input on the promotional materials that were mailed to your church this summer to help promote the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions (GOTM).  

Question Title

* 1. What is your current position at your church?

Question Title

* 2. The following items were printed resources that were mailed to your church.  Please let us know if you used them and how HELPFUL they were to you.

  Extremely helpful Somewhat helpful Neither helpful or unhelpful Somewhat unhelpful Extremely unhelpful We did not use this
Week of Prayer Guide 
Offering Envelopes 
Speakers List 

Question Title

* 3. The following items were available on the website and on the GOTM DVD mailed to churches with the other materials.  Please let us know if you used them and how HELPFUL they were to you.

  Extremely helpful Somewhat helpful Neither helpful or unhelpful Somewhat unhelpful Extremely unhelpful We did not use this I did not know this item was available This should be printed and mailed to the church
Church-wide Promotion Ideas/Planning Guide
Teaching Guide- Adults 
Teaching Guide-Students
Teaching Guide-Children
Teaching Guide-Preschool
Sermon Outline
GOTM 2015-2016 Allocations List 
My Golden Dollars Making a Difference 
Clip art/ bulletin ads
Standing Order Form 
One Annual Missions Offering

Question Title

* 4. How strongly does your church feel connected to the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions? 

Question Title

* 5. Did you invite anyone from the speakers list to your church to share about the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions? 

Question Title

* 6. Have you shown the GOTM videos at your church?

Question Title

* 7. How can we improve the materials we provide to you as a resource for promoting the Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions?