The Go Rural Initiative is the Rocky Mountain Ministry Network’s strategy to be intentionally kingdom-minded by strengthening and expanding our gospel presence and outreach in rural communities within Colorado and Utah. We will do this by pooling resources to providing micro-grants ($500-$2,000) to rural churches in one of the following eight categories:
  1. Outreach grant to do outreach to the community such as VBS, cowboy kids camp, sports camp, BBQ, community pantry, and other outreaches focused on the unchurched outside the walls of the church.
  2. Community event grant to help finance community events sponsored by their community leadership or receiving church.
  3. Beautification grant to help finance modest beautification initiatives that improve the attractiveness of the church property when viewed from the street.
  4. Technology grant to help rural churches repair, replace, or purchase church-owned technology stored and maintained at the church (computers, website, sound, worship technology, and media equipment).
  5. Collaborative grant to organize a coalition of evangelical ministries in community problem-solving that has a direct impact on your own community.
  6. Live worship grant to help enrich the worship experience on Sunday mornings through stipends, technology, instruments, or equipment.
  7. Micro-church grant to start a home Bible study or micro-church in a rural community where the Network does not currently have a church. This requires the micro-church/home bible study to be a PAC of the mother church.
  8. Training grant of $500 to those who complete the rural missionary support training provided by the Network or a reputable organization.
Applications that show thought, a clear plan, strategic execution, and need will be given top priority.

You will be required to upload a document briefly outlining your written plan for how you'll make your event/project/initiative successful, so please make sure to have that composed before you begin the application. The online interface supports the uploading of the following document types: PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, and GIF. Please make sure to have that document composed in an electronic format before you begin the online application.

After completing this online application be sure to click the “Done” button when you are finished.

Gene Roncone
Rocky Mountain Ministry Network
District Superintendent/Network Pastor (aka “helper”)