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* 1. Please tell us who is completing this survey.

The Westmoreland County Department of Human Services wants young adults with disabilities to meet their own goals and enjoy a good life.

We are reaching out to young adults who have aged out of school-based services, and to their families and support network, to learn what resources and services are helpful. We also hope to learn where some additional services or resources might be needed.

Some young adults with disabilities may be able to complete this survey on their own. Others may need the help of a friend, family member, or of a paid staff person to share their feedback with us.  We welcome your thoughts. We do ask that only one survey be submitted per individual.
In the questions below, we are asking about the young adult with a disability. “You” in the questions below means the young adult who has aged out of school-based services.

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* 2. How old are you?

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* 3. Where do you live?

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* 4. Do you have a job for which you are paid?