Bioinformatics Training

The Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training (GOBLET) was launched last year, aiming to provide resources to help bioscientists to improve their skills and increase their confidence using bioinformatics in their research. To ensure that GOBLET develops effective training programmes that would be valuable to you and meet your needs, we kindly ask you to briefly answer the following 9 questions:

Question Title

* 1. What is your position/job title?

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* 2. What is your main research discipline?

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* 3. In which research institute/university/organisation are you based and in which country?
If you prefer not to reveal your organisation please just state the country.

Question Title

* 4. Which bioinformatics databases, software tools, analysis packages and/or interpretation techniques do you currently use in your research and for what purpose?
If you do not currently use bioinformatics in your research please go to Q7.

Question Title

* 5. How confident are you using bioinformatics databases, tools, techniques, etc. (on a scale of 1 - 5, where 1 is least confidence and 5 is highest confidence)?

  1-Not Confident 2-Somewhat Confident User 3-Knowledgeable User 4-Confident User 5-Very Confident
Web-based software tools
Command-line software tools
Data analysis techniques

Question Title

* 6. How have you acquired bioinformatics knowledge/skills (past and present)?

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* 7. Which bioinformatics skills training would you most value (e.g. database selection, software tools, analysing and interpreting data)?

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* 8. How would you prefer training to be delivered to you?

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* 9. Any other comments you would like to add?