This declaration must be completed prior to participating with the Southwest Hockey Association. Failure to do so prior will result in denial of access to the Southwest Hockey Association.

The Southwest Hockey Association appreciates and expects your cooperation to allow us to re-open the Southwest Hockey Association programming. We are asking that you strictly observe our rules during COVID-19. The Southwest Hockey Association is permitting use based on your assurances within this document. Any false statements could result in legal liability towards you. You agree to observe and fully abide by all rules and regulations prescribed by the Southwest Hockey Association. You may be asked to leave the premises if you are not following the rules and regulations prescribed by the Southwest Hockey Association.

The virus can be transmitted by asymptomatic people. The Southwest Hockey Association is following government rules and regulations but there can be no assurance that the virus will not be contracted during Minor Hockey programming. Please understand that you are taking part in this program or activity at your own risk.

Question Title

* By completing and submitting this declaration, you agree to the statements within.

Parent / Guardian:

Question Title

* PARTICIPANTS' Information

: If you have more than one child playing, a separate waiver must be completed for each participant.

I am aware that COVID-19 is highly contagious, even without a carrier showing symptoms. Southwest Hockey will support protocols that have been put in place by governing bodies, but the pandemic circumstances require that anyone and everyone related to and coming into contact with other individuals in Southwest Hockey programs assume personal responsibility for the risks of participation. Authorities also strongly advocate that everyone take additional precautions to help prevent the spread, by:

a) Staying at home if the Participant / Child are sick;
b) Washing my hands with soap and water thoroughly and often, or use hand sanitizer;
c) Avoid touching my face with unwashed hands;
d) Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or my elbow;
e) Wearing masks and other required personal protective equipment (PPE);
f) Regularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces, and;
g) If required, follow mandatory isolation requirements.
I understand that my Child’s participation in any Southwest Hockey Association programming or my Child’s use of or attendance at facility's will increase the risk of exposure to or contracting COVID-19, by the very nature of the activity, circumstances and environment, to particular, heightened and inherent risks, dangers and hazards.

I am aware that being exposed to or contracting COVID-19 has many risks, dangers, and hazards, and include, without limitation: illness, respiratory illness, short and long term health complications, treatment risks, dangers, hazards, or complications, death, personal injury, increased risk to one’s health due to an underlying medical condition, whether known or unknown, isolation or quarantine requirements, transmission to others, loss of income, and medical expenses.

I hereby undertake and agree that both myself and my Child will always act prudently and responsibly, including taking all the above noted precautions and any further precautions as directed by Southwest Hockey Association, including daily health screening – all in order to avoid the risks and ensure the health, well-being and safety of others, myself and my Child.
I hereby accept the risk of contracting COVID-19 by choosing to participate under Southwest Hockey Association.

I hereby release the Southwest Hockey Association, its Directors, Officers and Contractors from any and all claims that I have or may have in the future for:

a. any loss or damage the I may suffer due to contracting COVID-19, including sickness or death, as a result of attending / participating under Southwest Hockey Association; and

b. any requests to leave the premises as imposed by the Southwest Hockey Association resulting from the breach of my obligations under this “Agreement”.
I VOLUNTARILY AGREE to assume all risks related to participation in Southwest Hockey's program(s), whether described in this
document, otherwise known or unknown, and accept sole responsibility for any injury to my child(ren), myself, other family
members, friends and others, which injury may include, but not be limited to, personal injury, illness, disability, or death, as well
as any damages, losses, claims, liabilities, or expenses of any kind arising from or related in any way to COVID-19 (or any
other communicable disease) and my/my child(ren)’s participation in Southwest Hockey's program, and the actions,
omissions, or negligence of Southwest Hockey's Directors, Officers, Contractors, and Volunteers.
Parent/Guardian: I certify that I am the Parent or Legal Guardian of my Child and that I am entitled to his or her custody and control. I understand the aforesaid inherent risks that could arise from these activities and I grant permission for my Child to participate in programs and activities carried out by Southwest Hockey Association. I execute this Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Indemnity Agreement on behalf of myself and my Child.

Question Title

* Date Waiver Completed.


Question Title

* Signature
1. By typing your name in the box, you agree to all above terms.
2. Signature name here, and the Parent / Guardian name typed above, must match.

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