Softball NSW State Championship Participant Survey 2020-21 Question Title * 1. First-Registered Association Central Coast Campbelltown Canberra Pride Cumberland Nepean Dubbo City Far North Coast Forbes Georges River Hornsby Illawarra Macarthur Manly Warringah Mid North Coast Mudgee Newcastle North Shore Orange Penrith City Southern Districts Sutherland Tamworth Wagga Wagga Question Title * 2. Participant Type (please select all that apply) Player Parent of Player Coach Statistician Manager Umpire Spectator Question Title * 3. Championship(s) Attended (please select all that apply) 2020 Under 10 State Championships (hosted by Cumberland Nepean) 2020 Under 12 State Championships (hosted by Penrith City) 2020 Under 14 State Championships (hosted by Southern Districts) 2020 Under 16 State Championships (hosted by Georges River (Girls) and Campbelltown (Boys)) 2020 Open State Championships (hosted by Softball NSW) 2021 Over 35 State Championships (hosted by Softball NSW) 2021 23 & Under State Championships (hosted by Softball NSW) Question Title * 4. How would you rate the presentation of the grounds and facilities at the State Championship(s) you attended? Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Question Title * 5. How would you rate the cleanliness of the grounds and facilities at the State Championship(s) you attended? Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Question Title * 6. Do you have any specific comments on the State Championship grounds and facilities? Question Title * 7. How would you rate the competition structure for the State Championship(s) you attended? (i.e. number of games; structure of the draw; etc.) Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Question Title * 8. How would you rate the handling of any draw amendments that may have occurred due to overtime games / inclement weather at the State Championship(s) you attended? Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Question Title * 9. Do you have any specific comments on the State Championship competition structure? Question Title * 10. How would you rate the canteen service at the State Championship(s) you attended? Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Question Title * 11. Do you have any specific comments on the State Championship canteen facilities? Question Title * 12. How would you rate the communication by Softball NSW (via email and social media) before and during the State Championship(s)? Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Question Title * 13. How would you rate the live stream services for the State Championship(s) you attended? Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Question Title * 14. Do you have any specific comments on the State Championship communications? Question Title * 15. How would you rate your overall experience at the State Championship(s) you attended? Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Poor Okay Good Very Good Excellent N/A Question Title * 16. What is the most positive element(s) of a State Championship that you have attended? Question Title * 17. Do you have any negative elements from a State Championship that you have attended? And if so, what are they? Question Title * 18. Do you have any general comments you would like to provide? Done