Visits are for Groups of 15+ ONLY, NOT INDIVIDUALS

Campus visits to UT Health San Antonio are encouraged and provided at no cost to the virtual or in-person visitor. These visits are designed for groups to attend via Zoom or in person. Group visits must be pre-arranged by completing this "Request a Virtual Campus Visit" form below. The typical visit ranges from 45 minutes to 2 hours in length depending on your class needs (see questions below).

Visits will be tailored to the group according to the age of the group members and the group interest. Please complete and submit the form below, providing at least three potential visit dates for a time slot that fits your calendar. We will do our best to accommodate every request.

Taking lessons learned from the COVID pandemic requirement to switch to virtual delivery of content, we are remaining with a hybrid model for visits in the Spring semester. Virtual visits will be offered Tuesday and Wednesdays, In-person visits will be offered Thursdays and Fridays. This will remove the transportation barrier for all schools to be able to visit, while allowing those you can travel to our campus to do so. In order to keep all students as safe as possible, at this time, mask wearing by visitors will be highly encouraged.

Thank you for your interest in visiting our campus, either as part of a group or class. Please feel free to submit campus visit requests for the fall and spring now. We appreciate your understanding, as well as your interest in our institution and in our programs. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Please note campus visit requests are intended for groups of students at this time with the ideal group size being 40 students. On occasion, groups are gathered to create larger groups based on room availability and group interest. Our campus does not offer campus visits for individual students at this time. If you are an individual seeking information about one of our schools please complete the form below and we will be happy to send you an informational packet.

Question Title

* 1. Please select one option:

Question Title

* 2. Contact Information

Question Title

* 3. Number of Visitors

Question Title

* 4. Age range of visitors

Question Title

If selected In-Person Visit, skip to Question 7.


We suggest the Opportunities in the Health Professions to provide the most complete understanding of what UTHSA offers in terms of health career preparation, however you are also welcome to select multiple subjects to be covered in our Virtual Visit at the time of your choosing. 

Please select any combination of the options below for us to present at the best time for your class. Please keep in mind the duration of each topic for the best experience.

Question Title

If selected In-Person Visit, skip to Question 7.

 you selected a Scholar Skills Development Workshop, please select the topic you would like for the presentation. Only select one option. 

Question Title

If selected Virtual Visit, skip to Question 9.

In-person visits include the General Overview in addition to one extra activity.
The General Overview: Opportunities in the Health Professions provides the most complete understanding of what UTHSA offers in terms of health career preparation.

Please select one of the options below for us to present in addition to the General Overview. Please keep in mind the duration of each topic for the best experience.

Question Title

If selected Virtual Visit, skip to Question 9.

If selected an Interactive Lab, please select which lab you would like

Question Title

* 9. Both In-Person & Virtual Visit 

IF you selected a College Connection, please indicate which lesson you are interested in.

Question Title

* 10. Indicate 3 potential dates for visits (in order of preference). Enter format  
as MM/DD/YYYY. Date must be a Tuesday/Wednesday for Virtual Visits, OR Thursday/Friday for In-person visits. Please provide dates with at least two weeks advance notice. 

*Please note that campus visits (both virtual and in-person) for the Fall are now CLOSED. You may still submit visit requests for the Spring Only. 

Question Title

* 11. Please indicate your preferred presentation time and duration (i.e. 10-11 am or 1-3 pm).

Question Title

* 12. Any additional information you would like to provide us to ensure your visit is the best experience possible for your students

Question Title

* 13. Teacher/Chaperone Agreements:
Per UT system, 192 Youth Protection Policy, all groups must have chaperones, one adult for every 12 high school students, and one adult for every 10 middle school students.  Chaperones must remain with the group the entire time they are on campus. Collegiate groups must have their organization sponsor present. Students should be instructed prior to arrival regarding the expectations for behavior.   Please be advised that classes are in session and while we appreciate the opportunity to share our campus, it is important to behave in a courteous and orderly fashion while on our campus. Please instruct students prior to arrival regarding the expectations for behavior. Since it is a pre-scheduled two/three-hour session, please allow your students a restroom break before departing home school, rather than upon arrival at UT Health San Antonio campus.  

As a teacher/group sponsor, please read and agree to the following: 

I understand that this is a learning opportunity, and my group will behave accordingly. The use of electronic devices or cell phones is prohibited during our campus presentations and/or guided tours unless authorized by ORSO Staff (except if you are using these items to attend the session).  All groups must conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner toward each other, staff, students, and university property. Any inappropriate comments or gestures will not be tolerated. Please note that session recording will not be permissible since minors will be present.  I will abide by these policies prior and during my group’s visit.  I understand that if I do not abide by these policies while in the session, my group may not be invited back the following academic year or may be asked to discontinue the current session. 

I further agree that if my group is virtual, and I will not be able to login or attend the session on time, I will contact Olga Coronado via email at  I understand that if, for whatever reason, we are not able to login at the scheduled time, for virtual visits, our visit may be abbreviated. 

Thank you for your visit request. Please hit 'Done' to submit responses. 

*Please note that campus visits (both virtual and in-person) for the Fall are now CLOSED. Requests for the Spring will still be scheduled. 

Please allow up to 7 business days to receive confirmation of your visit request. Thank you for your interest and your understanding. On occasion, groups are gathered to create larger groups based on room availability and group interest. Our campus does not offer campus visits for individual students at this time. If you are an individual seeking information about one of our schools, please complete the form below and we will be happy to send you an informational packet.