Childcare Satisfaction and Parent Advisory Survey

1.Where does your child currently go for childcare?
2.How likely is it that you would recommend your childcare provider to a friend or colleague ?
very likely
not very likely
would not recommend
3.How easy was the process to receive subsidized childcare ?
very easy
somewhat easy
not very easy
way too difficult
4.How would you rate the quality of your childcare program ?
Very Poor
5.Which aspect of child development has your provider talked with you about?
6.Has your provider shared any community resource information ?
7.Do you feel your home language and culture are respected in your current childcare program?
8.How would you describe the interaction between children and staff at your childcare program ?
9.Are the meals provided by the provider nutritious?
10.Please provide any other feedback you have around your childcare program.
11.Parent Advisory Committee Question:
What areas or issues in childcare do you as a concern in the community ?
12.Parent Advisory Question: Do you feel that we have a need for more providers in Trinity County?
13.Parent Advisory Question: What do you feel is the highest priority in Childcare at this time?